- Adam Schiff
- Al Franken
- Alan Nunnelee
- Amy Klobuchar
- Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
- Barack Obama
- Barbara Boxer
- Ben Luján
- Ben Quayle
- Benjamin Cardin
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Nelson
- Bob Corker
- Brad Sherman
- Charles Grassley
- Charles Schumer
- Chris Coons
- Commercial Felony Streaming Act
- Communications Decency Act
- Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA)
- Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
- Cybersecurity Act of 2012
- Darrell Issa
- David Vitter
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
- Democratic Party
- Dennis Ross
- Dianne Feinstein
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act
- Elton Gallegly
- FISA Improvements Act
- Fair Copyright in Research Works Act (2009)
- Freedom of Information Act (United States)
- Harry Reid
- Herbert Kohl
- House Judiciary Committee
- Howard Berman
- IP Law Wiki
- Intellectual property
- Internet Freedom!
- James Risch
- Jason Chaffetz
- Jeanne Shaheen
- Jeff Bingaman
- Jeff Sessions
- Jim Cooper
- Joe Baca
- Joe Biden
- John Barrow
- John Boozman
- John Carter
- John Conyers
- John Cornyn
- John Isakson
- John Larson
- John McCain
- Jon Kyl
- Joseph Lieberman
- Judy Chu
- Karen Bass
- Kay Hagan
- Kelly Ayotte
- Kirsten Gillibrand
- Lamar Alexander
- Lamar Smith
- Lee Terry
- Legislative process in the United States
- Lindsey Graham
- Marco Rubio
- Mark Amodei
- Marsha Blackburn
- Mary Bono Mack
- Mary Landrieu
- Melvin Watt
- Michael Bennet
- Michael Enzi
- Mike Lee
- Mitch McConnell
- Mitt Romney
- Motion Picture Association of America
- Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act
- Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade (OPEN) Act
- Orrin Hatch
- PIPA News Feed
- Patrick Leahy
- Peter King
- President of the United States
- Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act
- Recording Industry Association of America
- Republican Party
- Richard Blumenthal
- Richard Durbin
- Robert Casey
- Robert Goodlatte
- Robert Menéndez
- Ron Wyden
- Roy Blunt
- SOPA News Feed
- SOPA Opera
- Sandy Adams
- Saxby Chambliss
- Senate Judiciary Committee
- Senate hold
- Sheila Jackson-Lee
- Sheldon Whitehouse
- Sherrod Brown
- Steve Scalise
- Steven Chabot
- Stop Online Piracy Act
- Take Action Now
- Take Action Now/de
- Take Action Now/es
- Take Action Now/fr
- Take Action Now/it
- Take Action Now/pl
- Take Action Now/ru
- Ted Deutch
- Thad Cochran
- Thomas Marino
- Tim Griffin
- Tim Holden
- Tim Johnson
- Timeline of PIPA and SOPA
- Tom Coburn
- Tom Udall
- U.S. acts dealing with IP and the Internet
- USA Freedom Act
- United States Chamber of Commerce
- United States Congress
- United States Department of Justice
- United States House of Representatives
- United States Senate
- United States government
- Vice-President of the United States
- Wiki Blackouts on Wikia
- William Owens
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- Zoe Lofgren