IP & The Internet Wiki

Nikolai Banks Nikolai Banks 15 April 2013

News on CISPA

I just received a message from FreePress concerning CISPA and our rights on the internet:

Imagine if Facebook, Google and Twitter built a privacy-killing surveillance machine to help the federal government spy on us.

If Congress passes the Cybersecurity Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) this week, we'll be one step closer to that nightmare.

We've got just a couple of days to convince Congress to vote "NO" on CISPA. Here's how you can help:

Pick up the phone. Call Rep. Robert Hurt [Link] Urge a "NO" vote on CISPA. Let's get back to Facebook, Google and Twitter. Existing laws make it illegal for these and other online companies to share our personal information with the federal government without our consent or a search warrant.


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Nikolai Banks Nikolai Banks 10 December 2012

They Want to CENSOR the Internet

Right now at a UN meeting in Dubai, authoritarian regimes are pushing for full governmental control of the Internet in a binding global treaty -- if they succeed, the internet could become less open, more costly and much slower. We have only 2 days to stop them.

The Internet has been an amazing example of people power -- allowing us to connect, speak out and pressure leaders like never before. That's largely because it's been governed to date by users and non-profits and not governments. But now countries like Russia, China and United Arab Emirates are trying to rewrite a major telecom treaty called the ITR to bring the Internet under its control -- the web would then be shaped by government interests and not by us, the users. Tim Berners L…

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Nikolai Banks Nikolai Banks 1 August 2012

Al Franken and Rand Paul-Defend Internet Privacy

We're taking part in an Internet-wide day of action: Last week's vote was delayed, so now the Senate version of CISPA looks like it'll be voted on later THIS WEEK. Pro-privacy changes have been made to the bill, but they don't go far enough.

Specifically, Al Franken and Rand Paul are pushing an amendment to make sure companies can't spy on their users' private communications: Please add your name at right to support it.

Surveillance proponents are going to try to kill amendments like this one and eat into the pro-privacy changes that have already been made.

Congressional staffers say we can win these fights, but we need to up the volume of constituent contacts -- please help us bombard Congress with emails and calls this week.

Please check thi…

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SalemtheCruel SalemtheCruel 23 January 2012


Is this wiki going to do anything about ACTA!?!??!?! I'm frightened. I haven't been very well lately. I don't want the government to watch my every move; I don't want my fanfictions and online stories to be taken away! Dear god, please please please somebody help..........

I don't want to live in a world where I can't write my fanfiction and Big Brother is watching me.....

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Nelfen Nelfen 21 January 2012

Does SOPA only affect the US?

The the question on the top explanes it. Nelfen 12:58, January 21, 2012 (UTC)

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Brandon Rhea Brandon Rhea 21 January 2012

SOPA and PIPA have been shelved

Hi everyone!

Thanks to the millions of people who were active in the Internet protests on Wednesday, including people like you on this wiki and across Wikia, the Stop Online Piracy Act and the PROTECT IP Act have been indefinitely shelved by House and Senate leaders.

Both Representative Lamar Smith and Senator Harry Reid said that they are still interested in pursuing anti-piracy legislation to protect intellectual property rights, but, at this point, it doesn't appear that SOPA and PIPA themselves will move forward.

Senator Reid said that he is optimistic that the Senate can reach a compromise on intellectual property legislation to move it forward, while Representative Smith said that the House Judiciary Committee "remains committed to find…

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Craiglpalmer Craiglpalmer 19 January 2012

The Power of the Internet united in Protest

I think this graphic about says it all.

This is what happens when the internet community unites in common cause. I'd like to thank everyone for being a force for positive change.

It's too early to declare victory, but we have taken a major step in defeating deeply flawed legislation.

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StanLee4Ever StanLee4Ever 19 January 2012


I saw it, there is no big black bar on google, I think thery're finished. AND IF NOT, we will be here to PROTEST!!!!

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StanLee4Ever StanLee4Ever 18 January 2012


THIS IS STUPIED, NO GOOD REASON TO DO THIS WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets raise some heck guys!! alos thumbs up the Michael Jackson title

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Dopp Dopp 18 January 2012

SOPA Protest at Civic Center on Jan 18

Today the San Francisco-based group Hackers & Founders organized a protest rally at Civic Center to raise awareness about SOPA and PIPA. It included speakers like Flickr cofounder Catarina Fake , MC Hammer, Silicon Valley investor Ron Conway and others.

Here are the photos I took...

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Anakin Skyobiliviator Anakin Skyobiliviator 18 January 2012


Dear Government that reads this:

I find the situation is unfair to the commitments of bill of rights according to freedom of press. Wikpedia all began because of this and wikia follows and I don't want it to end because of the same reason. I understand the process of getting money, but this is not the way. Without our help for the last decade with Wikipedia, we are showing their products, get people's attention and buy off your things. But is this how you treat us?! Internet is what it is all about! What have we come down to?! Writing letters just to advertise your product?! No, sir, not even you most updated information has better history as we do. Take Star Wars. com for an example. They actually trust Wookieepedia enough to link them to …

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SnorlaxFTW SnorlaxFTW 18 January 2012

SOPA and PIPA must go DOWN

SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act

PIPA - Protect IP Act

These 2 acts could RUIN the internet! They could close MAJOR sites, Like Youtube, and pretty much EVERYTHING that i go on. VALVe, Creators of Steam, L4D, Half-Life, Team Fortress, Portal and Counter-Strike, will be afected by this aswell :O

If you h8 SOPA & PIPA and wish they would GTFO (Get The F*ck Off)

everyones back, Comment on this blog!

They are 100% against PTD! THEY SHALL NOT PASS! They will also shut down Wikia. :O

This means (In a Nutshell) - No more internet :'(

Remember too show your support for them to GTFO everyones back, Comment now!

P.S. If you want SOPA & PIPA to win, Get off this blog w/o commenting.

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TheDragonGolen TheDragonGolen 18 January 2012

People of the internet!

We must stop this horrible venom called SOPA! We cannot let it get our spirits down! We won't f'ing stand there while this is happening, we must fight!

I don't know how but by making this wikia I know the goverment will change it.

They haven't read the constitution!

  • It has a law that will not let people do this!
  • Plus, why would they want to make the internet worse, there just waiting for a team of "SUPER HACKERS" to take them down. Why would they want to make the internet like that, so that some of these companys can't bring in money to them! I thought they were all money grubing thieving bastards!

Lets stop this!

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SweetSophie19 SweetSophie19 18 January 2012


I would like to protest these bills which are (in their current state) a violation

of Freedom of Speech and a gateway to an online dictatorship. There are no

protests against this bill in my area, so how do I go about voicing my opinion

against this?

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Johnknight Johnknight 17 January 2012

Wiki Black Out!

So will there be one? And if so when?

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Craiglpalmer Craiglpalmer 30 December 2011

Why Wikia Opposes SOPA

Today Wikia has become an amazing community of almost 60 million monthly users collaborating to share knowledge about topics they are passionate about. We have millions and millions of pages of user generated content created by this incredible collaboration. Becuse of the community, Wikia has now grown to be one of the 50 largest web networks in the world - an amazing accomplishment.

This existence of this community and Wikia itself is threatened by SOPA - the Stop Online Piracy Act, heading through the US House of Representatives and it's sister bill PIPA, the Protect-IP Act, heading through the Senate -- and I'd like to explain why in this blog post.

Before doing this however, I want to say that I support the idea of finding appropriate wa…

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CitizenPayne CitizenPayne 27 November 2011

Why There's A Fly In The SOPA

  • 1 What is this SOPA and why does its defeat matter?
  • 2 Along comes the Web
  • 3 House IP Subcommittee Chairman Bob Goodlatte makes clear what SOPA is really about
  • 4 Other links to check out include:
  • 5 We all know piracy is bad.
  • 6 We have to ask, is IP piracy really killing content?
  • 7 The scholars I respect the most are ALL against SOPA and PIPA:

You can bury the Tea, but one should not bury the lede….

Oppose SOPA.

The second interesting piece at Politico comes from famed Constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe, who more or less acts as a counterweight to Floyd Abram's letter. He basically highlights all of the problems we've discussed over the past few weeks: vague definitions, broadly targeted, will impact perfectly legitimate sites. And, he notes clearly:


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